
The 帮助中心 is a single point of contact for information and assistance with classroom, 桌面, 网络和电话技术. The 帮助中心 also provides audiovisual service and support for the campus.



Please direct requests for assistance for supported hardware and software to the Information Services 帮助中心. 使用我们的自助服务支持门户, you can report problems with classroom and 桌面 equipment, 电话, 网络连接, 等.,或者询问有关校园科技的问题. 你可以提交 技术帮助请求 或者在线访问 知识库. 要直接联系帮助中心,您可以拨打以下电话 401-456-8803 (在校园,分机8803)或电子邮件 helpdesk@里克.edu



The answers to general questions concerning services available at the 用户支援服务 Help desk, 软件收购, 许可, 和故障排除, 可以在这里找到.

窗户 PCs should meet the recommended requirements for running the 窗户 10 operating system. Apple computers should meet the minimum requirements for running the OSX 10.14操作系统.

Upgrades of computer parts such as hard drives or optical drives are usually handled by the Help Desk. If you are looking for a parts upgrade, please contact the Help Desk at Ext. 8803. If you are looking for a re的地方ment computer with a faster processor, 你必须通过你的主管要求升级. Faculty should submit a written request for an upgrade to their department chair who will forward it to the dean. 工作人员 may request re的地方ment computers from their unit director or manager, who will forward their requests to the appropriate administrative vice president.

All 教职员工 窗户 PCs are distributed with Microsoft Office, 杀毒软件, Mozilla Firefox and several browser plug-ins including Adobe Acrobat Reader. Apple computers are also distributed with Microsoft Office, 杀毒软件和几个浏览器插件. Additional software may be installed on 窗户 PCs or Macs upon request.

esball官方网学生, 教师, and staff have access to 微软365 which provides users access to several web-based apps including Outlook, 日历, 词, Excel, 演示文稿, OneDrive和更多. RIC学生, 教职员工 also have the ability to download the latest 桌面 version of Microsoft Office (PC and Mac) for free through their 微软365 account. 有关微软365的信息,请访问 微软365.


The minimum requirements for a supported 窗户 PC are:

  • 窗户 10
  • Intel i3或AMD Zen处理器
  • 4gb RAM
  • 256gb硬盘

请注意: All college-owned 窗户 machines which do not meet the hardware requirements for running 窗户 10 will be retired and re的地方d with PCs capable of running 窗户 10.



  • OS x (10).14.x或更高)
  • 英特尔MAC处理器
  • 4gb RAM
  • 256gb硬盘

请注意: All Macintosh computers which do not meet the hardware requirements for running will be retired and re的地方d with Mac’s capable of running Mac OS X 10.14.

Help Desk许可, installs and supports software designed to meet basic application needs of the campus community.  The standard software installation for 窗户 and Macintosh computers includes a current version of:

  • Internet Explorer (窗户)
  • Safari (mac)
  • Mozilla Firefox (窗户和mac)
  • Microsoft Office (窗户和mac)
  • adobeacrobatreader (窗户及mac)
  • 杀毒软件(窗户)

These applications are updated automatically whenever possible.  其他适当持牌人士, 与工作相关的, compatible software will be installed by the Help Desk upon request.  Campus walk-in computer labs at Whipple 102 is an excellent resources for accessing specialized software applications.  For information about academic software available in the campus computing lab, 请参阅我们的科技设施 教学技术 网页. (链接到教学技术.医生)

Since many software applications including the campus Learning Management System, Blackboard 9.1, 是基于浏览器的, Information Services staff install browsers which are compatible with Blackboard. 请查看Blackboard认可的浏览器列表 请浏览此网页.



  • Mac OS X 10.14或以上
  • 微软窗户 10

到MyRIC的连接是基于浏览器的. For more information about MyRIC and other online services, please visit http://my.dljacobs.com.

For answers to questions about MyRIC, please call the PeopleSoft helpdesk at (401) 456-9873.


 Rhode Island College and Microsoft Corporation have entered into a Campus Agreement permitting Information Services to run the most popular Microsoft products for on campus 窗户 and Macintosh computers and to offer work at home 许可 to students, 教职员工.

MCSA的媒体可以在RIC书店买到. 请参阅 微软校园协议 了解供货情况和价格详情.

帮助台支持网络打印. USS will attempt to repair network printers manufactured within the last seven years. 

Although we provide setup services for new 桌面 and multifunction printers such as the HP DeskJet and Officejet, we do not support or repair 桌面 and multifunction printers. Please telephone the Help Desk at x 8803 for further information on printer repairs.​

有关设备要求,请访问: 教职员工IT设备借用申请 or 学生IT设备借用申请.