
Two students at the Learning for Life 金融援助 session


注册办公室提供了一般注册信息,以帮助您在注册过程中. Common topics of interest are covered here. 如果您的担忧没有得到解决,请 esball官方网.


学生可以在学期的第一周添加/删除课程,而无需咨询或在学生的成绩单上注明. 在增减课程的第二周内,学生不经任何咨询,只能选择退课. A course can only be added with permission from the instructor. The chair of the department processes the add.


  • 登录到 MyRIC
  • 要添加课程,请单击“Enrollment”,然后单击左侧导航中的“add class”
  • 如果你知道5位数的类号, you can enter it under “Add to Cart”; if not, you can click “search” to look for a course.  Once you find the course you want, click “select”
  • the enrollment information about the course will show; once you confirm the criteria, click “next”; the course will be added to your shopping cart.
  • 点击“Proceed to step 2”
  • click “Finish Enrolling” to process your request


  • 登录到 MyRIC
  • 要退课,请点击“注册”,然后点击左侧导航栏的“退课”
  • 选择你想放弃的课程
  • 点击“删除选定的类”

每个课程前面的五位数字是进入注册系统所需的数字. 每个课程部分都有一个独特的代码. Some courses require departmental consent to enroll. These courses are designated in the Course Listing by a "†". Contact the offering department for registration information.

你有责任在注册任何课程之前确保你已经满足了课程的先决条件. 课程先决条件列在当前罗德岛大学目录在课程描述的最后. 如果你在没有满足先决条件的情况下试图注册课程,你可能会被这些课程拒之门外. Restrictions, such as minimum grade point average, earned credits, or major, may apply. 你也可以浏览在线罗德岛大学目录来检查课程的先决条件.

All students register for classes via the web through MyRIC. For answers to general registration questions, the 注册处 可致电 records@dljacobs.com or 401-456-8213.

Students who have never taken an EEP course will need to 请求一个用户帐户 MyRIC门户网站. 所有EEP学生都将有一个帐户 MyRIC and will be given a Student ID number and a RIC 电子邮件 account. EEP students do not receive an appointment time to register for courses. The process will be handled by the EEP Office and the high schools.



学生可因健康/医疗保险等原因要求出具入学证明信, 贷款延期, 申请注册证明的公司可能会提供一份表格,由注册办公室填写. You may request to have the form completed or an enrollment letter. Students may request an enrollment letter by sending a request to records@dljacobs.com, via fax (401-456-8108), or by stopping into the 注册处. 处理时间为2至4天.

一学期注册至少9个学分的研究生被视为全日制学生. A normal work load for graduate students is 12 credit hours for any semester. 每学期最多15个学分,每学期最多8个学分. 被任命为研究生助理或研究生研究助理的学生被视为具有全职身份, 但每学期必须注册至少6个学分,或在任何一个夏季课程中注册至少6个学分.

使用“课程搜索”并指定“教学模式”,可以查看课程的交付方式, 面对面, 在线异步或在线同步




If you have never attended Rhode Island College, you will need to create an account to obtain a username, 密码, and appointment time in order to register for classes. Students applying to the college should not use this process


申请MyRIC帐户 您将收到一封确认邮件. 如果预约时间尚未到,您还将收到MyRIC用户名和密码的电子邮件说明.

登记 times are assigned first to degree students, 现在没有学位的学生, 其次是新的非学位学生. Non-degree registration for fall is in late August; for spring, early January; and early March for summer. 注册日期列在 校历.

Please note: If an existing account is found for you, you will be directed to request reactivation of your account through the Registar办公室 at 401-456-8213 or records@dljacobs.com.

Applies to former undergraduate degree students who meet the following criteria:

  • 留下良好的学术地位
  • have not taken any course(s) at another institution since leaving RIC
  • do not have any course credit(s) 10 years or older

If your answer is "yes" to each of the above, you can easily be reactivated as a degree student again by contacting the 注册处 at records@dljacobs.com or 401-456-8213 正常营业时间. A reactivation form will be 电子邮件ed to you. 当您重新激活时,将通过电子邮件通知您,您将获得您的用户名和密码以及注册时间. If you need academic advisement your first semester back, you may contact the chair of the department of your major.



  • took a course(s) at another institution since leaving RIC
  • have any course credit(s) that are 10 years or older
  • 在学术上被解雇了

You will need to apply for readmission to the college. Don’t worry, we will make the application process easy for you. 一旦你被重新录取,招生部门也会免除你200美元的入学押金.

需要提高RIC GPA以便有资格申请重新入学的学生应计划以非学位学生的身份在RIC重新学习这些课程. Repeating the course at another institution will not change a RIC GPA, nor may the course be counted for transfer credit. 如果课程重复,潜在的重新录取申请人可能希望使用GPA计算器来估计新的GPA. 我们的资源团队将帮助你制定一个计划来提高你的GPA,这样你就可以被重新录取.

Consult with your assigned advisor and your Academic Advisement Report by logging in to MyRIC. Once logged in you want to click on "Student Center." At the top of this page you'll see an esball官方网 area, and you should select "Academic Advisement Report" from the drop-down menu there. Looking here will help you ensure course selection suitability, 先决条件, 或其他入学要求.  如果你没有指定的顾问,你必须联系你的专业部门寻求帮助. 那些探索专业的学生必须联系 学术指导办公室 at academicadvising@dljacobs.com or 401-456-8083.

Full-time status is accorded undergraduates who enroll for 12 or more credit hours. 正常情况下, 任何学生在秋季或春季学期不得注册超过18个学分. The maximum course load during the summer is 8 credit hours per summer session. 任何例外的最大课程负荷政策必须由相应的教务长书面批准.

注册办公室在秋季和春季学期注册之前对所有学生进行普遍建议. Students must meet with their academic advisors in order to have the hold removed. The Universal Advising Hold will block any attempt to register for the next semester.

在重新接纳, 在重新入学日期之前超过10年的RIC学分将被视为转移学分,并根据现行的转移模式进行评估. 已开设10年或以上的课程,且学生成绩达到“C”或以上的课程将被授予选修学分或, 如果合适的话, 通识教育学分. 学生主修系的系主任可能会评估如何或是否授予特定主修课程学分. If you do not wish to have the 10-year rule applied, contact the 招生 Office at transfer@dljacobs.com. 即使10条规则被放弃了, the department chair must still approve courses applicable to the major.​​​


Students and instructors are talking, teaching, and learning in real time. Specific meeting days and times will be listed in the course schedule.


Students view course materials and complete assignments without specified class meetings. No days or times will be listed in the course schedule.




The 注册处 ensures the accuracy, maintenance and safekeeping of all student academic records.